We understand the industry is experiencing an upward trend in turnover rates, which makes employers’ jobs harder. Continual training for consistency and ensuring processes are followed correctly can be much more challenging if there is high turn-over rate among your crews.

That’s why Small Box focuses on providing automation and efficiency solutions to help make your employees’ jobs easier, while offering risk mitigation and consistency across your entire portfolio:

Real-time Alarms via Text or Email:

  • Refrigeration equipment above/below specific range
  • Operational inefficiency warnings and alarms when set-points are not being reached for equipment (early equipment diagnostics)
  • Critical food probe alerts if food temperatures have not been taken when they were supposed to be, if you choose to set a schedule

Automatic Documentation & Data Integrity:

  • Data automatically stored in the cloud
  • Historical analysis and temperatures available for short/long-term viewing

Data Analysis:

  • Our Client Success Managers dig deep into equipment operations by monitoring run times, checking alarms, reviewing set-point data and HVAC overrides to ensure efficiency and longevity.

Small Box is here to help your operations run more efficiently and reduce costs. Contact us today.

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